Multiplication Media Kit BA Hormone (MULTIKIT)

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Product Overview

Contains nutrients, hormones, gel and preservative to make one liter establishment/multiplication media.
Components are premeasured to make one liter of finished media. Contains one 4.43g bag or one 60ml bottle of MS nutrient salts with Gamborg formula vitamins, one 30ml or one 60ml bottle of Establishment/Multiplication hormones and one ml PPM preservative, and one 3.76 bag of proprietary blend gel gum powder/agar mix. Add together with two tablespoons (30 grams) of ordinary white sugar and filtered water to make one liter of media.
One liter of media fills 50 6-oz. flip-top vials or 30 4- or 6-oz. baby food jars.Multiplication hormone concentrate consists of 1.0mg/ml BA (benzylaminopurine) and 0.1mg/ml NAA (napthalene acetic acid).
To mix, begin by adding sugar to 900ml of filtered water. Then add MS nutes and hormone liquid. Stir to dissolve and bring total volume to one liter and check pH. Correct pH to 5.8 or above and add agar powder slowly, stirring t mix. Gel powder does not dissolve and will settle if not stirred. pH one more tiime to 5.8.A turkey baster or sports drink bottle makes a convenient dispensing tool. Swirl to mix and dispense a few vials at a time.


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